Berkarir di PT POSO ENERGY

PLTA Poso Energy terdiri dari tiga proyek dimana PLTA Poso-1 memiliki kapasitas potensi 60 MW, PLTA Poso-2 memiliki kapasitas potensi 180 MW, dan PLTA Poso-3 memiliki kapasitas 300 MW. Ketiga PLTA ini menggunakan sumber daya air Sungai Poso, Desa Sulewana, Kecamatan Pamona Utara, Kabupaten Poso, Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Adapun PLTA yang sudah beroperasi adalah PLTA Poso-2 dimana kini sudah mulai menjalankan aktifitas produksi listrik melalui energi air. Secara resmi, PLTA Poso-2 ini menjadi sebuah perusahaan yang bernama PT Poso Energy sejak tanggal 31 Mei 2005 melalui akta pendirian No. 5 di hadapan Notaris Andy Azis, SH.

Bagaimana cara kerja kami?


The company aims to set a good standard QUALITY of work among hydropower plants in Indonesia by focusing the enhancement technical skill of the Engineering team


The key element of the successful project is to have a divine integrity of each department within the company and working hand in hand as being useful to one another (UTILITY)


To survive in rapid and massive development, the company ought to generate fresh ideas pour in creation of INOVATION


Indonesia with its own lavishness water sources across the nation, strengthens the wide opportunity of building more hydropower plants as the new option of renewable energy. By producing more hydropower plants, the company stands for the CAPABILITY of its own


A compelling landmark, such as hydropower plants are built from comprehensive KNOWLEDGE ; planning, designing, constructing and commisioning